OUR FOOTPRINT Expanding Our Ne琀眀ork May昀椀eld has built a global network of C-level executives and business leaders from across all industries. who need access to new ideas to compete in their own mar­ kets. This is a highly engaged global netwerk whose members engage with our portfolio, join our events, and provide their own top oi mind priorities in formal reports. > � aws accenture ANTHROP\C 䌀谀 ⸀娀 databricks ---- ----- -- - -- --- - - - --- ⸀尀 Hugging Face Google DeepMind Google Cloud 㘀䐀 LangCh�n --- - - - ------ ---·- ⸀ⴀ• MISTRAL McKin ey&Company «�nVIDIA @OpenAI 伀伀Meta Í吀嬀Azure AI Ca爀渀egie Mellon (漀⤀ snowflake Qualcoꐀ University • 1

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